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    G.O.P. Donors Showing Thirst to Oust Obama in November

    Romney's super-pac's continue to rack in more and more money as he wins the Florida Primary. "Millions of dollars came from financial industry executives, including Mr. Romney’s former colleagues at Bain Capital, who contributed a total of $750,000; senior executives at Goldman Sachs, who contributed $385,000; and some of the most prominent and politically active Republicans in the hedge fund world, three of whom gave $1 million each: Robert Mercer of Renaissance Technologies; Paul Singer of Elliott Management, and Julian Robertson of Tiger Management."

    His continued super-pac support, however, could lead to more ammo for Newt Gingrich in the upcoming debates and primaries.

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    By: Alexander Dudley


    Romney and negative Campaigning

    Romney is having a hard time figuring what to do after his win in Florida. He is afraid that even though he won Mr. Gingrich is still going to continue to use negative campaigning to win the support of the voters. Romney thinks he is going the wrong way and that the focus should be on Obama and bashing him and what his team has done. Even though that is Romney's goal he is afraid some of his time and energy will have to go to Gingrich to keep him off his back on his road to elections.

    - Luis Asensio

    For article click here 


    Romney claims victory in Florida

    With his win now in place in Florida, Mitt Romney is now focusing his attention to the West to campaign in Nevada, and Minnesota. Romney claimed 46% of the vote, where Newt claimed 32%, and 13% from Santorum. Mitt was critically acclaimed for his win as the cheers of the crowd roared "MITT, MITT, MITT!" Romney was able to gain the latino community, after losing about 40% of them in the primaries of the last election to none other than John McCain. Romney now has his focus on closing out the primary, where the other candidates are just looking for a win at a state. 

    Frank Nespral

    For article click here


    Latinos won't forget Romney's 'anti-immigrant' talk

    This article in CNN talks about Romney's beliefs about immigration and how they might play a role in the Florida and Nevada ballots. The article attacks Romney and labels him as anti-immigrant. "Illegal immigrants are takers. They take advantage of in-state tuition rates. They take spots in university campuses that should go to U.S. citizens. They take, take, and take some more." Romney says. He portrays immigrants as evil and lazy, completely forgeting that they pay taxes and contribute to the economy by working endlessly. The reading also labels him as two faced. As the Florida and Nevada's elections are approaching he is being more lenient and gentle about his emigration beliefs. This article has views against Romney and questions how his beliefs will affect the upcoming elections.

    To read the article click here

    Jose F. Solis-Camara


    Romney Wins Big in Florida Primary, Regaining Momentum

    I thought this article was interesting because not only did Mitt Romney win the Florida Republican primary, but he did so after suffering a huge defeat to newt Gingrich in the South Carolina primary. Although now it seems that Romney has the clear momentum running into the next few primaries and is heading in front of all other candidates, the race for the Republican presidential nominee is still in the running. Candidate Gingrich and Santorum are still trying to keep their campaign strong against Romney, and feel that they are the best fit to become the President in 2012. Truly, Mitt Romney's win was impressive after losing South Carolina, winning New Hampshire, and barely beating Santorum in Iowa; however, he is still seen by many as not suitable for office because he is not conservative enough. This leads to the question, which candidate will the Republican party entrust in for the election of 2012? Or will they even decide on one?

    -Sean Ramras

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