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    Obama's Pledge for Economic Equality

    In Obama's State of the Union Address he decided to focus on a very important subject for our country, our economic polocies. He was trying to explain to the people that his plan is for the long term and he is hoping to change the future for the better by breaching the economic gap between the rich and the poor. According to his speech, he declared that progress was being made and that many bussiness are being way more effecient and are creating jobs for millions. He also said that his plan is not done and that he is hoping in the future the direction would be the same where the economic equality gets better and that people stop suffering from this ecomic crisis.

    -Luis Asensio

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    Explanation why SOPA is going ruin the internet as we know it.

    This TED Talk is very interesting and explains in very simple language what SOPA and PIPA are trying to achieve and how these pieces of legislation if passed, will affect the internet and our common everyday usage of it. Clay Shirky explains how this bill is trying to reverse the century old legal concept of "innocent until proven guilty" to "guilty until proven innocent". He explains that media industries are trying eliminate everyday sharing, because it is a burden for them to police legal and illegal content. He warns us to be ready for new legislation concerning this problem and recommends us to be active in this fight to defend our freedom to share. Very interesting and informative video.

    Jose F. Solis-Camara



    Romney Releases Tax Returns From 2010. Owned Swiss Account and Payed Small Tax Rates.

    Today, Republican candidate Mitt Romney released his tax returns for the past two years. It turns out that he isn't much like the normal working class American. Romney only has a 13.9% tax rate because his money comes from investments. This tax percentage is lower than most wage-earning Americans and this is quite upsetting for me. As a person who wishes to represent the people, he games the system so as to pay a lesser amount of taxes compared to common citizens. On top of that, he had a Swiss bank account open under his name until it was closed in 2010 because a financial advisor warned that "it could be politically embarrassing" for Romney. However, the article does state that the Romney's donate around $7 million a year to charity (mostly mormon churches) which does make up for some of this. Overall I don't believe this helped Romney very much.

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     -Daniel Paz


    Romney and Gingrich woo Cuban conservatives in FL

    As Romney and Gingrich gear up for Florida's primary on January 31, 2012, both candidates try to garner support from the Cuban conservatives of Florida. In order to gain support both candidates will have to clarify their stance on illegal immigration policy such as the Dream Act. Typically the Republican candidates have been opposed to the pro-immigrant Dream Act, however, Romney recently amended his stance and declared his support for a part of the Act that provides a path to citizenship in exchange for military service. Gingrich has stated that illegal immigrants who have "roots in the community" should be provided a path to residency but not citizenship. Republican candidates' stances on the Dream Act become an indication of whether or not the Hispanic community will give their support. Both candidates have plans to appeal to the Hispanic community through Spanish language radio and Spanish language television ads. 

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    - Biraaj M


    Florida Families Romney Commercial

    Interesting little commercial here by Mitt Romney as he attacks Newt Gingrich for his involvement in the Freddie Mac company. It seems that Mitt Romney is catching on that he may not be the sole candidate for the Republican party. I feel that the reason why he is attacking Newt is because a. he is an easy target as he does carry tons of baggage, and b. he sees that Newt is gaining popularity and was able to win the South Carolina Primary.

    -Frankie Nespral