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    Entries in tradition (1)


    New Year's Story


    PTS Falconer Staff Member

    Most of the Palmer Trinity community is studying for midterms and getting ready for Holiday break. New Year’s is a holiday celebrated all around the world. The first record of celebrating the new year dates going back 4,000 years ago to ancient Babylon. Following the vernal equinox their new year landed on a day in late March. They would hold a celebration called Akitu. The modern day New Year celebration was influenced by Julius Caesar. He was the one who made January 1st the first day of the year. He honored the day to celebrate the god January was named after Janus. Janus is the roman god of beginning. Their traditions included sacrifices, exchanging of gifts, and decorating their house with laurel branches. Similar to the roman traditions we all have our own traditions and they vary from country to country.


    England: Many traditions have to do with luck for the new year. This is the case in England. Many people believe that the first guest you have at your house will give you luck. It must be a male who must come in through the front door and bring gifts such as loafs or a drink for the main person in the family. If this guest does not bring one of these things he is not allowed into the home. This brings luck throughout the year

    Denmark: In Denmark their tradition involves friendship. Friends save old dishes throughout the year and on New Years they throw them at their friends door. The person with the most plates outside of their house has the most friends. This act symbolizes long lasting friendship.

    Ecuador: They fill a scarecrow with paper and at midnight they burn it. In addition to this they collect photographs from the last year and burn them as well. This is supposed to bring the good fortune.

    Palmer Trinity: These are some traditions that students from Palmer Trinity have. Eat twelve grapes for each month of the year.  On New Years some Japanese students watch a Japanese New Year's show where many famous singers perform. Many set off fireworks to celebrate. A tradition for some Peruvians is to run around twice around the block with a suitcase. A strange tradition done to make sure you travel the next year. Another tradition is to put lentils in your pocket or purse to bring wealth. For some of our Chinese students on new years their parents give them envelopes with money. Other stand on chairs and cheer and have barbecues.